Ask my dad what is is that I do and he'll probably say that I'm a "doodle". My brothers all refer to me as a "ladle". They know the word, they're just dweebs. But, before I started training, you bet none of them had ever heard the word "doula". So, what is a doula??
Doulas are non medical support people. The most common kinds of doulas are birth and postpartum doulas, but there are sibling doulas, fertility doulas, and end of life doulas as well (just to name a few). For the purpose of this post, when I say "doula", I'm referring to birth doula, since that's what I am.
A doula like a really great friend who knows a lot about birth. We're there while you're pregnant to help you prepare for baby. We can help make a birth plan, talk about your options for birth, and answer any questions you have about weird pregnancy symptoms. When in doubt, call your provider, but if you're not sure if something is normal, your doula will be happy to talk to you about what you're feeling!
Once you're in labor, your doula will provide support to you as you need it. Most doulas join you once you're in active labor, and stay with you until after the baby is born. During the labor and delivery, you doula will help you find what works for you. This can look like assisting in position changes, massage, verbal affirmations, and many other things. We are not there to replace your partner, but to encourage them to help you as best as they can. Chances are your partner hasn't given birth or seen anyone give birth in person. While they want to help you, they don't know what to do. Your doula is there for both of you, helping your partner help you.
There are many things that fall within a doulas "scope of practice". Since we are non medical support people, there are also things that fall outside of a doulas scope of practice. Some things that doulas can do are:

Some things that your doula cannot and should not do include:

So, there you have it! Doulas are there to support you, no matter how you choose to give birth. Did you have a doula at your birth? Do you wish you would have had one? Let's talk about it, tell your story in a comment below!