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Things to look forward to in the third trimester

Writer: Alexis MeisenholderAlexis Meisenholder

This is the trimester of the BABYYYY!! This is the last lap. The final countdown. There is a lot to look forward to during this time. The third trimester starts at week 27 and continues until the birth of your baby. Your baby is growing and changing daily. They're working on organ function, making faces, and getting into position for delivery. Here are some other awesome things to look forward to in the third trimester!

1. Big movements

Baby getting so big! That means that your uterus is less like a big swimming pool with lots of room, and more like a tub. Still comfortable, but less room to do flips and spin around. This means that the little flutters you felt earlier in pregnancy are now full on kicks and punches. Some babies like to play games with their kicks, so don't be afraid to play back! This is also a great way for your partner to bond with the baby before they're born.

2. Baby shower

If you decide to have a baby shower, you'll get together will all the people who love you and can't wait to meet your baby to celebrate the life you're growing. If you don't want a traditional baby shower, you can also just have a pre-baby cookout with your friends, or just have a small get together with a few close friends. There's no wrong way!

3. No one questions why you're tired

At this point, your belly gives you a pass to be tired. It takes a lot of energy to grow a baby, and sleeping might become increasingly difficult. The good thing is that most people know those things and will understand that you're exhausted.

4. Folding tiny baby clothes

I don't think I need to elaborate much on this one. Tiny onesies. Tiny footie pajamas. Tiny socks.

5. Finishing up the nursery

This is another great way for you and your partner to connect with the baby! Making their nursery (or their corner of your room) a special and comfortable place for all of you can help it seem more real if you're having a hard time connecting (which, by the way, is very common and does not make you a bad parent).

6. Have the excuse to eat whatever you want

Now this isn't to say you should throw nutrition out the window. But, if you NEEEED an ice cream sandwich at 7 in the morning, go for it. No one will question you.

7. Nesting=clean house

You might start to feel the uncontrollable urge to tidy and clean. Your subconscious is making sure you're ready to go for when baby gets here! The upside of all that cleaning is that you get the satisfaction of having a tidy house.

8. Knowing you're so close to meeting your baby!

The anticipation might be more than you can handle sometimes! You've worked so hard to carry this baby, and the closer it gets the more that excitement (along with a lot of other emotions) builds. You're going to be a great mom.




©2019 by Alexis Meisenholder. Created with Wix.

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