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Things to look forward to in the second trimester

Writer: Alexis MeisenholderAlexis Meisenholder

Second trimester is the golden time of pregnancy. The placenta has taken over childcare, so your body isn't quite so taxed with growing a human. This means that, for many, morning sickness has usually faded and you feel less tired. There are so many things to love about this stage of pregnancy! Here are some that friends and clients love:

1. Morning sickness fades! 🥳

The hormones are starting to regulate, which means your body might be able to tolerate food again. You'll hopefully not be as sensitive to smells, or movement

2. You'll be out of the "did she eat a lot of tacos" phase

During the second trimester, your baby does a lot of growing and developing which means your belly will start popping out more! Some moms start to show in the first trimester, but by the second trimester most have a cute bump to show off!

3. The anatomy scan

This usually takes place around 20 weeks. Your ultrasound tech will check all the little parts of your baby, from the toes to the head and everything in between. If you haven't found out the sex yet, and you want to, this is where you'll find out!

4. You might start to feel like you should shop for the baby stuff

BABY SOCKS 😍 (Any How I Met Your Mother fans out there?). As you get more and more pregnant, nesting will start kicking in. You may get the urge to shop for strollers, cribs, and teeny tiny clothes (especially after finding out the sex of your baby. Fluffy dresses and bowties are even cuter when they're tiny).

5. Libido increases

You are probably feeling more like yourself again, and you might start feeling "the glow". Lots of women have an increase of libido after the dry spell that frequently happens during the first trimester.

6. You start to feel movement

Depending on the position of your placenta, movement can be felt as early as 13 weeks for second or beyond time moms. If you have an anterior placenta (your placenta is on the front of your uterus), you may not feel movement until around 25 weeks. If you start feeling movement early on, you might even be able to see your sweet babe moving around towards the end!




©2019 by Alexis Meisenholder. Created with Wix.

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