When I tell people I'm a doula, there are pretty much 3 reactions I get. #1- "A what? I've never even heard that word before." #2- "Oh so you deliver babies at home?" #3- "Oh that's awesome! I had a doula at my birth!"
With all the confusion around of the profession, there is a lot of misinformation that gets passed around. So, here are a few myths about doulas you might have heard!
Myth #1- Doulas deliver babies
Nope! You're probably thinking of a midwife. Doulas are non medical support people. Midwives and OB's catch the baby, moms deliver babies ;)
Myth #2- Doulas only attend home births
While it is true that doulas do attend home births, we also can support you in a birth center birth or a hospital birth as well! Doulas are hired by you (in most cases), so we go where you go. The support of a doula is beneficial, regardless of the setting! People hire doulas for every range of birth, from unassisted home birth to C-sections. Just find a doula who is comfortable in your chosen birth location.
Myth #3- Doulas hate epidurals
Again, nope! If you want an epidural, I fully support that! What matters is that you're informed and make the choice that you think is best for you and your baby. If you're planning on getting an epidural, we'll talk about it when we make your birth plan and go over how I can support you and your partner.
Myth #4- Your doula will talk for you while you're in labor
No way Jose. We don't speak on behalf on our clients ever. We can help you advocate for yourself, but under no circumstance should a doula talk for you.
Myth #5- Doulas are only for hippies
I like this one. I mean I like hippies and all, but I also like people who can't keep plants alive. I like moms who want to go unmedicated, but I also like moms who want the epidural before they even have a contraction (if that's you, I'm sorry but that's not possible.)
So, there you have it. What it all comes down to is that if you want a doula, then a doula is beneficial for you. Doulas support families whatever situation they choose.