Doula Support
Pregnancy can be a weird time. I'll be there to reassure you, answer questions, and to be a sounding board. I'll be available over phone, video chat, or text to you as often as you need. We'll have two prenatal visits to go over your birth preferences, talk about postpartum plans, and so I can teach you and your partner some comfort measures. I'll teach you some exercises and movements to help your baby be in the best position for the start of labor. We can also talk about self advocacy, and how to ask doctors questions to get good information. I can also do a quick "sibling class" to help your older children prep for the new little one.
Once you're in labor, I'll join you wherever you're laboring. I'm happy to support you at home and then follow you to the place you plan to deliver, or just meet you there. I'll help your partner remember and apply comfort measures. I'll be there to provide you with evidence based information on common procedures. I'll be as hands on or hands off as you need. Some people need me to stroke their head the entire labor, others need me to hold space and encourage them in the tough moments. Neither is wrong.
There is a huge gap in how our society handles the postpartum time. Some people have family, friends, and a community to support them, but many don't or don't feel comfortable asking them for help. Doulas fill that gap. I'll be available for 6 weeks postpartum via phone to listen to you, answer questions, and connect you with resources you need. We'll also have a postpartum visit about a week after your baby is born to talk about your birth story and see how you're doing. If you want support from a postpartum doula (highly recommend), my good friend is a wonderful postpartum doula who would love to support you.
Package includes:
Phone support starting when the contract is signed
2-3 two hour prenatal visits
Birth preference letter assistance
Access to my client lending library
Digital resource files on common pregnancy and birth questions
In person labor and birth support
1 postpartum visit
Phone support through 6 weeks postpartum
Add ons:
More details on photography sessions can be found here.
Additional Prenatal Visits- $125
Sibling Prep Visit- $150
Birth Photography- $500 (Click here for information on both)
Lifestyle Newborn Session- $375
Maternity Session- $375
Ready to book? Have questions?
Fill out the form to start the process! I'll get back to you within 48 hours.
If you've already decided and you're read to book, reach out to me directly! My phone number is 864-349-6827, you can call or text me. You can also reach me at hello@alexismeisenholder.com.